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LAtiNiTY: Latin American Women In Technology Conference

Tweetlink: LAtiNiTY Scholarship Applications Deadline: August 1, 2015 Date: November 9-10, 2015 Location: Santiago, Chile LAtINiTY is a two-day conference, where participants will have the opportunity to listen to women leaders from the region and discuss gender issues in computing and technology. This is the first time an event of this nature (and size) is […]

Microsoft Research: Data Science Summer School

TweetTo learn more about DS3: http://bit.ly/1olKUlV Applications Deadline: April 17, 2015 Apply for the Microsoft Research Data Science Summer School in NYC. “The Data Science Summer School (DS3) is an intensive, eight-week hands-on introduction to data science for undergraduate students in the New York City area. As we are committed to increasing diversity in computer […]

XSEDE Scholars Program

TweetApplication Deadline: March 31, 2015 Acceptance notification: April 10, 2015 link: XSEDE Scholars Program Supercomputers, data collections, new tools, digital services, increased productivity for thousands of scientists around the world… Sound exciting? These are some of the topics you can learn more about through the XSEDE Scholars Program. The XSEDE Scholars Program (XSP) is a […]

UnCoRe: Undergraduate Computer Research (UNCoRe) in Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace at Oakland University

TweetUnCoRe – Undergraduate Computer Research in Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Deadline: 03/18/2015 The Computer Science and Engineering Department at Oakland University invites students to apply to its eleventh summer of an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduate students. The students selected to participate will be immersed in a research environment under the mentoring of CSE faculty. […]