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Final Reflection

As we approach our final weeks of school, I am truly thankful for the amazing cohort and instructors that I have met throughout this journey that we call nursing school. I can still remember my initial plan, which was to apply to Ventura’s nursing program since I did not have much faith in making it

End of Life

End of life (EOL) care is a sensitive topic that presents challenges to health care professionals, patients, and their families (Walczac et al., 2014). Diseases such as cancer are often lethal and patients are commonly given a set life expectancy (Walczac et al., 2014). In addition, reports state that a significant rise in deaths will


During this week’s blog, I decided to interview two of my close friends about their knowledge regarding drugs and over-the-counter medications. I was really excited about this mini experiment because we are exposed to drugs almost every day. We see drugs being sold in stores, drugs advertised in the media, and drugs taken by our

TechnoVascular Health

  Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be the number one cause of morbidity and mortality around the world (World Health Organization [WHO], 2015). It has been reported that over 17.5 million people died as result of CVD in 2012, which accounts to almost 1/3 (31%) of all deaths within that year (WHO, 2015). As a

Nursing 420: Likes and Dislikes

  Being familiar with some of the technical terms in this website, I am excited to share my future experiences and learn about the experiences of my peers. This class has a lot to offer and I am willing to learn as much as I can before I graduate this semester. Stepping inside the realm