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Pull the Plug

Having discussions about end of life and the type of care that we want is extremely important. When I was in 8th grade my grandma suddenly suffered a brain aneurysm. She survived her trip to the hospital but was intubated and on mechanical breathing with a poor prognosis. It was her wishes if it looked […]


This week I talked to my mom and my fiance, Eddie,  about their medications. Eddie takes levothyroxine regularly. He knows it is also called synthroid.  He knows this drug is for his thyroid and he is supposed to take it every morning, 1 hour before he eats. He does not know any side effects per […]

Our Course So Far

While I was a little scared in the beginning of class about all of this new technology we will be learning and utilizing I think it will only benefit us. In nursing there will always be new technologies, information, procedures, etc.  that we will need to be adapting to. Nurses are always learning!!