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Our assignment this week was to try to ‘disconnect’ for 24-hours. My first thought was, how am I supposed to do that? I have homework, study guides, and papers to type. As amazing as disconnecting from technology sounded, I realized how difficult disconnecting has become and felt an immediate sense of sadness. So, I decided to take on


Group members: Jen Zuniga L. & Brenda Valencia Drug: furosemide [Lasix] Who?  – Fluid overload/edema due to HF, hepatic impairment or renal disease; hypertension What? – It is a loop diuretic. Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride from the loop of Henley and distal renal tubule. Increases renal excretion of water, Na, Cl, Mg, K, and

Nursing school year 2!

Well, it’s the beginning of year 2 of nursing school! Although I’m a little nervous about all the new technological requirements, I’m very excited to expand on my knowledge which should be beneficial in & outside of nursing school. Here’s…