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QSEN Teamwork & Collaboration Guidelines

Member strengths, limitations, and values: Jordin: Strengths- Writing, PowerPoint, mind maps, posters, teamwork, communication Limitations- Being on time & scheduling that works for everyone Values- Hard work & teamwork Hannah: Strength: getting work finished on time, organized, open to compromise, take charge when needed, communication Limitations: speaking during a presentation Values: teamwork, kind, honest, truthful. […]

Cardiovascular Health & Technology

During my search on cardiovascular health and the new technology that is being put forth in order to decrease the dramatic occurrence of heart disease, I came across an extremely unique study currently being conducted by the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). The principal investigators of the study include Dr. Jeffrey E.Olgin, Professor of […]

Likes Versus Dislikes

This post marks my very first blog entry! What I will be discussing includes the likes and dislikes of NRS 420 (Critical Care). Although this semester has only just begun and I am still acquainting myself to the details of the various courses, I do have to say I believe this semester to be extremely […]