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A New Beginning

It’s as if this scene of my life came out of a Michael Bay movie. A Transformers movie to be exact, allow me to explain. In the Transformer movie if you are not familiar, there are cars who transform into some sort of high tech warrior. I’d like to consider myself an unfinished version of … Continue reading A New Beginning


Let me start by saying that this assignment has left me mind blown. The content is enough to leave you pondering in what it is we are really doing, if we really are progressing. A new way has been called on by experts who say we must halt our curriculum, and transform it into a … Continue reading Similarities

My blog 2015-11-10 23:54:59

As the challenge remains the same, I’ve came to a realization. For weeks now I have been attempting to come up with a way for me to be good, even great at being a good participator in my social issue. This Syrian refugee crisis has been one of the worst in history, and here we … Continue reading

A Modern View

One of my biggest take aways from this week was my voicing to political leaders. Regardless if they respond or not, it feels so different as to simply saying it to someone else in person. Hashtags are a brilliant idea that have revolutionized organization amongst the masses as clearly stated in this weeks TED talk. … Continue reading A Modern View

Twitter Madness

I didn’t know what retweeting meant before this week. Maybe I should start by saying I didn’t even have a Twitter. It’s been encouraged by my University Transfer course. Not so sure why I never bothered making one since now that I have one it is obvious how powerful of a tool this media site … Continue reading Twitter Madness

Challenge 4

My recent interest in Syrian and Iranian refugees has been collectively uprising due to the participatory culture that has been instilled in me by this Transfer Seminar class. It’s such an interesting and controversial topic that you can only feel as if you need to do something about this matter. Social media can be an … Continue reading Challenge 4

Refugee Crisis

The way I’ve been trying to conduct my research is around credible websites that can provide myself and the ones around me good viewpoints and stats. Over the past month or so, each day on my way to work I learn about the newest information that is going on in Europe. I believe staying informed … Continue reading Refugee Crisis

Analyzing Reality

  What thrives me to be better is the idea of knowing there are existing issues that yet need to be solved. Issues that affect our lives in the greatest manner that in fact can be changed for the better as long as the whole world is on the same page. Refugees in Syria and … Continue reading Analyzing Reality

I Found Myself

  This assignment required me to Google my own name and find the strangest or weirdest thing that came up. The first thing that came up was  Yelp review of a Jorge Rodriguez Jr. aka me. In this case, instead of me being a student and construction worker, he was a well known personal trainer. … Continue reading I Found Myself