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Wrinkle in the Leadership Plan

In the eighth episode of survivor there was a wrench in the plan with Julie going home. Originally the tribe plan was to vote Jeremy off of the island due to him seeming in control. Jeremy is seen as the leader of the pack and Josh is considered a leader also.  Jeremy seems to have […]

Million $ Problem Solving In Groups

On episode seven of survivor it’s clear that the tribes are making decisions about who they want to vote off the island. Jeremy seems to be the target in his tribe while Keith is concerned that his name was written down the last time his tribe voted.  The tribes are clearly displaying group decision making. Interesting […]

Group Communication Makes Magic Happen

In episode six of Survivor there were some interesting dynamics Dale of the Cayopa tribe is upset because his daughter was voted off. The hunapu tribe is stressed out over their lack of food and tries to barter for food. They had to trade all of their comfort items and some excavation tools as well […]

Listen Blood is Blood

In this episode the dynamics were changed by the swapping of the tribe members. There was a new force to reckon with tribe members were united with their loved ones. This was especially the case for the coyopa tribe which lost the challenge and faced having to vote someone off of the island. The group […]

Hot Mess, what to Do?

Both tribes in the survivor episode have diversity in there groups. It seems that most everyone in the groups come from different back grounds and cultures. Also, some of them have difference in sexual orientation and gender. This makes for interesting dynamics as well as a need for cultural understanding. The team members must adapt […]

Accusations vs. Cohesion

In the survivor episode it seems as though the tittle of the episode is almost the same as that of Chapter 8. , Actions vs. Accusations and conflict and cohesion. With Accusations come conflict and with action comes cohesion in a sense. The fact that Jeremy’s wife was voted off cause’s conflict between him and […]

Methods Causing Madness

In the second episode of Survivor Method to the Madness there are a few different dynamics going on. After the first competition two people were sent to Exile Island Jeremy and John . They make a promise to one another that they will protect each other’s wives. I believe they are displaying what Schutsz describes […]

Suck it up and Survive-Or?

In the first episode of survivor, suck it up and survive, many text concepts are illustrated.  There are clearly group goals in the sense that both teams have to compete in the group activity, even initially as Jeremy and Val compete against one another they have the interest of their team to place first. They […]