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SRI Intertidal Research Update

Currently completing a two week tour on Santa Rosa Island in order to complete 22 vertical and layered point intercept transects. These transects capture a variety of ecological parameters such as species counts, percent cover, and spatial variations. …

Intertidal Fun

Searching for Pisaster ochraceus, the keystone species of sea stars. Populations have declined drastically since the 2013 Wasting Disease and juveniles are hoped to be spotted in intertidal habitats soon. Which would indicate that the population is starting to recover slowly.

Crossing the Channel Presentation

Crossing the Channel is a program created by Dr. Cause Hanna, professor and director of the CSUCI Santa Rosa Research Station. The program combines middle school students from R.J. Frank Middle School, high school students from Channel Islands High shool, undergraduates from CSUCI, and professional mentors into groups focused on environmental education through collaboration. As […]