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Module 5 Reflections

Throughout the course, the importance of media education and literacy continued to gain importance. In Module 5 we learned the role of media literacy and how it connects to democracy. With media having so much power over the content we interact with, their influence on society is undeniable. Media can cast attention on or away…

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I was debating on writing a last post at this point because I feel that I have been repeating myself. I feel that I already have a good grasp on the world through the means of media from understanding psychology and from understanding that it is mediated by a corporate powers. Regardless, do not think…


Module 5-Hooray!

Wow, I truly cannot believe that our class has come to a conclusion.  It ended as swiftly as it began and I am sorry to see it go.   These 5 weeks were enriching and thought provoking to say the least and I come away not only with a more media literate mindset but with a…

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Module 5! We did it!

So from the readings I noticed that they focused a lot on the underrepresentation of groups of people from the media, specifically the news. The video of Who makes the news was really interesting, it really went into detail about this underrepresentation. They did a study with  16,734 new stories and out that data into four…

Read more Module 5! We did it!

Module 5

      One thing that really stood out to me in the slides titled, “The rise and fall of professional journalism” was the emphasis on the need to better media. The section, Media & Democracy confirms my beliefs that the media is affecting society in more negative aspects than positive. Throughout this semester, I…

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Module 5 review

For the Module 5 readings, I found the discussions of the impact that media has on our brains to be especially interesting because of the significance that media, specifically social media plays in our current lives. In the article, “The News Bias: Distorting Reality and Feeding Fears”, by Benjamin Radford, it is explained how news…

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module 5

I voted for Katlyn Fahl’s final project Women in Society. While I believe this voting process was supposed to be private I wanted to reveal my vote for many reasons. I am a transfer student from SDSU and had taken a few women study courses from that University. I have always felt as though I…

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Module 5 Reflection

I found this week’s readings to be just as important and interesting as the last four weeks. Influence, democracy and agency were the central themes this week and I could see them in all of the readings. I think most of us agree that there is bias in broadcasting stations. According to Benjamin Radford, news…

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Module 5 Reflections

This weeks readings all mostly encompassed the same themes. Representation, and media. I’ve been reading a lot about how media affects politics, especially in my political science class last semester, but it’s interesting to read and learn about it in a more media literate sense. I think it’s absolutely astonishing the way that press has…

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This module focused a lot on news media, and what the news may or may not provide to us. In the slides that professor Tollefson, one of the quotes listed was “not everything you see on the news is newsworthy, and not everything newsworthy is on the news” (Radford, 2003, p.67). A lot of the…

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