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September 28th

Chapter 3 “Does Social Networking Kill?” This chapter was a sad but also an interesting read. The chapter began talking about how new media is the current fear that can possibly alter our moral/cultural beliefs. Then the chapter went into the specifics on cyberbullying. The chapter spoke about how online media makes it difficult for…

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Discussion #3

Hello! Sorry for the late starter. I forgot earlier to check and see if anyone had posted. Maybe we can start a rotation on who posts first by Friday night? Anyways… The Sternheimer chapter this week made me think of the TV movie Cyberbully. It also made me think of the movie Heathers and the…

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Cyberbullying is uncool!

Reading chapter four was a bit intense. Karen touched a very sensitive issue for a lot of individuals in cyberbullying. In chapter four, Karen elaborates on two central fears within media. One is cyberbullying, and the other is online predators. Moreover, the central fear that caught my attention was cyberbullying. The thought that an action…

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Cyber bulling how do we stop it?

…a range of annoying and potential menacing online activities- such as receiving threatening messages; having their private emails or text messages forwarded without consent;having an embarrassing picture posted without permission; or having rumors about them spread online.” For me this article touches me in a different way. When I was younger I was a victim…

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September 28th

Chapter 3: Does Social Networking Kill? Clementi’s story: This was such a sad chapter, I cannot wrap my mind around having to deal with what Tyler Clementi had to deal with.  I understand that he and his roommate went back and forth with rude comments about each other online; however, for Ravi to record Clementi…

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Having access to a lot of social networks, makes it easy to target someone or to be targeted and bullied. Sternheimer talks about different situations where social network users have committed suicide due to being cyber-bullied. Nevertheless, towards the end of the chapter she mentions that the violent crimes rate in the US has lowered.…

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Blog on Chapter 3

I think online bullying and sexual predators are very big problems that the internet has created. With Facebook and instagram it makes it so easy for sexual predators to stalk and find out information on people. Instagram and Facebook both have newer additions called “tagging”. This allows for people to tag their exact location of…

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Adult Cyber Predators

As I was reading this chapter, I assumed that it was only going to discuss children.  It caught my attention that many adults experience bullying and cyberbullying as well.  I had no idea that 35% of individuals reported being bullied at work by a co-worker.  I wonder if these co-workers that antagonize others were victims…

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Be aware of children watching

In the chapter, is popular culture really ruining childhood? I found it very interesting how their are certain ways children should experience their childhood , versus how they actually do experience it. this chapter and article really got me being aware of things that happen and occur while kids watch. and for the article the…

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Blog #2 — Protecting Children

In Connecting Social Problems and Popular Culture, Sternheimer asks provocative questions in Chapter 2 entitled, “Is Popular Culture Really Ruining Childhood?” On page 22 she asks, “who decides what children should and shouldn’t know (or when they should know it) and whether knowledge itself is dangerous?  Before we convict popular culture, we need to consider…

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