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“We need to stop categorizing and generalizing people. Wrong.” What?!

Reading “The Children are watching” by Carlos E. Cortez made me ponder a little deeper on stereotypes. There were two specific sections that caught my attention a little more than the others. One was “Generalizations”, and the other was “Media as Generalizers and Stereotypers.” Generalizations i thought it was interesting because he mentioned “stereotyping is…

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9/19/15 stereotyping

I found the article to be a bit confusing and all over the place a bit however, I am grateful to be taking communications as a career because I am learning to be insightful on these issues in media. I agree with Cortes that we all generalize and I’d go as far as to say…

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Blog 2 Louie Galang

Well, after reading the article, it feels like that some of the thins I’ve noticed about my childhood and the retroactive observations I’ve made looking at the things my brother watches had been somehow proven right. That generalizations do exist from the very beginning, and can be a very slippery slope towards stereotypes. The generalizations…

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Discussion 2

Happy Saturday! I just started working on my notes for the quiz Monday and it got me thinking about the readings we had this week. I’m really enjoying the Sternheimer book; she takes some interesting perspectives, most that I wouldn’t have. I liked her discussion on the meaning of childhood and how it changes from…

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When it comes to stereotypes, I feel that the majority of people do it. I might even do it myself without even realizing it or meaning to. This article mentioned that we don’t need to stop categorizing or generalizing people or things. At first I considered categorizing and stereotypes two different things, but once I began…

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September 21st

“Struggling with Stereotypes: Users and Abuses of a Critical Concept” This article was an interesting read to me for multiple reasons. In this article the author starts with explaining how certain words “can lose their power through overuse”. I thought to myself how true this is in everyday life. So many people say slang words…

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Go away Sterotypes

Greetings from disneyland,   Personally when it comes to  Race stereotypes I greatly become angry and frustrated about how the word becomes so closed minded.Honestly I detest stereotypes, personally I don’t believe they have a reason for being around.  When the article says that “We need to stop categorizing and generalizing people” it’s the sad…

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Blog #2 – Structural Factors and Generalizations

Childhood as we know in today’s society can be described as a time of innocence, fun, and carefree. However, after reading Karen Sterheimer’s take on childhood, my perspective of this word and the meaning behind it completely changed. She states that “childhood is constantly shifting and changing, and it becomes defined based on the needs…

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Stereotypes are made without people even knowing they are doing it and there is no way to stop yourself from stereotyping. Being educated on the subject and knowing what you’re talking about will help you to be more positive. The article states that “If you think all the media does is stereotype, you are stereotyping…

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Blog 2- Alexa Ellen

After reading this article i realized that generalizations and labels are necessary for communication, understanding the world around us and grouping. However labeling and making generalizations can quickly turn into a  negative stereotype. It is human nature for people to make generalizations in our heads to help us understand the world but i think its…

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