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Childhood and Stereotypes

I thought it was interesting that Sternheimer brought up the idea that childhood and children mean different things to all of us. As a society, we cannot even agree on an age at which childhood begins and ends. Furthermore, everyone experiences childhood differently depending on your social status, living environment, ethnicity, and immigration status. I…

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September 21

Struggling with Stereotypes: This article broke down the different layers that make up a stereotype nicely! First of all I want to share this music video by Katy Perry, I find the lyrics and the video a stereotype; however, I enjoy it! In this song, Katy Perry and Snoop Dogg are singing about “California Girls”…

Read more September 21

Struggling with Stereotypes

I was reading the article “struggling with stereotypes: uses and abuses of a critical concept,” and I realized how relevant stereotypes are in TV shows.  Stereotyping is so mainstream that children are going to grow up believing that it is acceptable to do this in real life.  In addition, they may think it is normal…

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Struggling with Stereotypes

Before we began this class I never really thought that media had such an impact on the stereotypes we create.  I thought that it was more what we learned through our parents or are peers, but even those people had to hear it from somewhere, right? I found this stereotype article very interesting. At first…

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September 21

Cortez article on stereotyping: This article just scattered my brain about stereotyping. I am specifically interested in the female stereotype in every source of medium, so I will focus on that for now. But first this confused me so maybe I can get clarity “A particular news report can contribute to a group stereotype (noun)…

Read more September 21

Blog 1- Alexa Ellen

After reading the University of Michigan’s article something that stuck out to me what how parents put their babies in from of the television to distract them. The article stated that most pediatricians say that parents should not do that, and i complexity agree. It is a fact that if a baby is not held…

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