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Module 5 Readings

I started off with the McChesney “The Rise and Fall of Professional Journalism” which was fascinating. Seeing the evolution of media from the 18th century to 20th century was really interesting and showed how much media has affected history. I pulled the quote from the 18th century that states, “It was understood that if the…

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Module 5 Reflection

The articles and video revolved around how there is bias in our news and world today. The book The news bias: Distorting reality and feeding fears states, “confusion between seeing and knowing, and seeing and understanding, is used by television to manipulate people” (Radford, 2003, p. 66). They use fear and headlines to capture the…

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Module 5 Reflection

The question that stood out to me the most in Module 5 is “what gets our attention?” This module talked about consumerism, advertisements, and bias in the media. Personally, I believe these are all interrelated. This industry knows exactly what to do to grab our attention. Bias in the news is a major issue that…

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Module 5

I have often heard individuals argue over the question, is there really such a thing as free press? Are we really capable of sharing unbiased, politically neutral opinions or are they just that, simply opinions?  McChesney (2002) answers a few of these questions by exploring the background and role of professional journalism in their academic…

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Module 5! We did it!

Wow group can you believe it, this is our very last blog. During this last module I noticed some trends. The first trend I noticed was, much of what we talked about in previous modules built upon what we are learning now. The other major trend I noticed was we seem to trust the media…

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Module 5 Reflections

In the process of this module we have learned how media influences us, and what knowledge the media has on us that we as a whole might not know; how the brain works. Apparently emotions is what triggers our full potential of knowledge. Well media is aware of how much influence emotions play in our…

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Module 5 Reflection

While reading Who Gets To Speak On Cable News, I learned that guest speakers were coded by race, gender, ethnicity, and occupation, as well as the relationship of follower guests. On Fox News, republicans were featured more then democrats. Looking into Fox News, I seemed to me that they are more of a in your face…

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Module 5 Readings!

The article readings this week did a good job in clarifying the role of the news and those who are actually contributing to the news. I feel that all the articles and slides that we were assigned this week were all very closely connected as they all were talking about various news outlets and their…

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Module 5 Readings

This Module involving news biases and the impact media has on our brains was very interesting to me, especially since the significance of social media was starting to come up throughout our readings.  As Benjamin Radford described in his article, “The News Bias: Distorting Reality and Feeding Fears”, news biases distort reporting and change how…

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Module 5

As I was going through the different readings for the week I realized that many of them had something in common. Many of them talk about how different people have power over what is shown in the media and what is going to advertised. These are companies such as corporate companies that have the money…

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