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Online Articles

I found it interesting that these articles seemed to be focused on how negatively media can affect children and teens. These articles make me support media literacy even more especially for elementary and secondary school youth. The Core Concepts: Fundamentals to Media Literacy: The age of new technology is not where it began, the importance…

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blog #1

the quotes that stuck out to me the most were : “In 51% of households, the TV is on “most” of the time [5].” “Kids with a TV in their bedroom spend an average of almost 1.5 hours more per day watching TV than kids without a TV in the bedroom” the first because as…

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The University of Michigan article talked about the influence of media on children so.. I asked my sister a few questions, like what do you think about commercials on drinking and smoking. I also asked  her about children in movies, and how they always fall victim. They always get themselves into a situation where they…

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Discussion Post (1?)

Since we are supposed to have had a small group discussion on here in a week I thought I would make a starter post. I completed the readings last week, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but the connection I saw between all of them was that the authors agree that we are all…

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Article reviews

I really enjoyed the articles this week especially “Children as Consumers.”  I had heard many times that the media targets children differently than it does adults but this article gave me a more in depth view to that. When I was in high school one of my teachers told us about an article she had…

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Following Brittany I would also like to say hello to everyone and I hope you are having a nice weekend/break. Here is a picture of a cat consuming media…

Technology and Media Literacy

In the article by Tessa Jolls and Carolyn Wilson, the quote that struck me most was “the technology would come to act as extensions of ourselves, shaping and influencing our attitudes, beliefs and behaviours” (69). Technology and media literacy are heavily connected, so does this mean that media literacy is doing what the quote says?

Chapter 1 in textbook

Hey guys! I found it very interesting that the most crucial crisis for children in America is poverty.  Many individuals assume that media is the most important issue involving kids.  However, I assumed the same thing and did not realize that more than 16 million kids live in poverty in America.  I believe if the…

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Hi Everyone!!

Just wanna say hi to everyone and I look forward to talking and collaborating with you all. I want to start of this blog with some humor so I hope no one is offended, but it’s just too funny not to post. Here’s to a good semester!

Getting Started

Add a new post Go to http://345group6.tollefson.cikeys.com/wp-admin and log in. Your first name (or nickname) is your user name. Your password is the first name of the author of our course textbook. Click + New Give it a title Add your text in the dialogue box. You can change text style (bold, italics, text color,…

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