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Module 5 (last one)

This final module has been interesting for me because I generally tend to enjoy learning about marketing.  However, this part of marketing is bothersome to me.  I don’t like the idea of being manipulated or manipulating people and I think that’s a big part of what we learned this week.  I have never been a…

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Module 4 Reflection

Module 4 had a lot of new content for myself. I really enjoyed the lecture with Dr. Christina Pabers. I learned a lot bout how media and health relate to each other. I would have never thought about that in that way before this lecture but it does make sense. Yin and yang was another…

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Module 4 Reflections

When watching the video, What is Culture?, by Terry Dugan, he states that culture is something that is learned. I agree with his statement because everyone learns a different culture through their family, friends, school, work, etc.. Although, we all have various individual cultures, Dugan discusses the melting pot and the idea that we, as…

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Module 4

         Dugan believes that convergence is more of a threat to democracy than symbiosis in my opinion. I felt that the first video had plenty of benefits of media and symbiosis. While the second one might have confused me a bit because I felt it was a little harder to engage in.…

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Module 4 Reflections

In Module 4 I learned how culture plays a major role in values and beliefs reflected in the media. Sternheimer and Dugan explain that culture is learned. Dugan (2010) states, “A person’s culture is unique, made up of traditions and our own life experiences” (What is Culture Part 1). We have actually learned this concept…

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Mary- Module 4

Module 4 was definitely an interesting one for me this week. My interest was continually peaked by both the readings, as well as the videos. Chapter 6 of our text by Karen Sternheimer covered the topic of sex in teens and how we try to blame media for this “problem. What I found to be…

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Module 4 Reflections

In the video series created by Terry Dugan, we learned that culture is a learned behavior comprising of our traditions, lifestyles, and shared experiences that contribute to the way we experience the world around us. I’m very interested in anthropology, so it was nice to see a somewhat outside approach to the idea of communication…

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Module 4: Final Reflections

Culture is the comprising factors that collectively makes us a unique community.   According to Terry Dugan, it is a set of traditions, lifestyles, and shared experiences learned and passed down by individuals of a group.  While family values were once at the root of culture,  there has been a steady decline and rise in…

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Module 4

Culture is learned behavior by individuals. People share experiences and traditions that make a person’s “culture” unique. Each of us can belong to several different cultures. Someone can have one culture at work, one at home, another with friends, and so on. From the first cave paintings to the internet there is a fear that…

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