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module 4

In the video What is Culture? Dugan states that culture is learned. I agree with his statement because my family has a strong Mexican culture where most of the women are house wives, they do not receive an education, and males are seen as superior. On the other hand, when I migrated here I learned…

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Module 4

I found this module, and specifically the focus on cultural changes within our society to be extremely interesting/intriguing. Culture has always been a fascinating topic, that I enjoy learning about because it so unique to each individual. Culture plays a crucial role in society, and has great importance. Culture is the identity of society, and…

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Module 4 Reflection

Module 4 for me was a great one. It was a little difficult to wrap my head around all the new material but I feel like I was able to widen my knowledge on media literacy. Especially with the guest lecture we were provided. It was amazing to develop an understanding between media and health.…

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Module 4 Readings

As a sociology student I was pretty familiar with culture and what it was all about going into the video series of Terry Dugan. I did enjoy in his first video of the Impact of Media on Culture, when he explains how we have different cultures as an individual. We apply these different cultures around…

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Module 4 Reflection

I leaned a lot from Terry Dugan’s video series on culture and mass media. The topic of culture has always been a little bit confusing and hard for me to get my head around. The first video on what culture really is helped me a lot. I found it really interesting that Dugan says that…

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Module 4!

For me this section was slightly more difficult. The part that was most difficult was trying to understand the concepts Terry Dugan was trying to explain.  So here I go diving into the subject of culture and health in the media. The first thing that stuck out to me was the video on the “Impact…

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Module 4

Once again I find myself questioning the world because of knowledge base I have gained thus far from this course. Yet, these questions I ask do not follow media negatively, but rather positively in terms behavioral change. I figure if corporate anomalies can have so much influence on the world through their outlets, why than…

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Module 4

  After having taken Intercultural Communication at Channel Islands University a year ago, I was not entirely unfamiliar with the concept and definition of culture upon viewing this week’s videos by Terry Dugan. In the first short clip listed in this week’s module, Impact of Media on Culture- What is Culture, Part 1, Dugan defines…

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Module 4 Reflections

Module 4 has made me focus on values and how values are represented and co-constructed throughout society.  Module 4’s readings and videos have helped facilitate more awareness of values placed on me and society and how my own beliefs either contradict or coincide with societal values.  Sternheimer (2013), argues that while media and pop-culture values…

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