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Module 4

When watching the Terry Dugan videos, I actually learned some new things and there were things that I remember learning in previous classes. This past Spring semester in my Organizational Communication class, we actually went over the 8 elements of the communication process.  One thing that I am glad that was covered in these videos…

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Module 4 Refelctions

“It is important that we find out how young people interpret sexual images in advertising, music, and television in their context, and in their own words. If we are so concerned about teen sexuality, we need to talk with them, not just about them, to learn more” (Sternheimer, 2013, p.153). This is a very powerful…

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Module 4

n the serious of videos watched by Dugan, what I thought was worth remembering was in general at the very beginning was about culture. As a sociology student, culture is something that we covered in every class in one way or another; culture is a huge aspect of sociology. I thought it was interesting how…

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Module 4 Reflection

I first watched all the Dugan videos and learned a lot of information; maybe a little too much at one time. I felt bombarded with information and felt as if i couldn’t retain it. In the first video, I learned that we learned our culture and that we were not born with it. I found…

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Module 4 Readings & Videos

Rather than read various articles for this week’s module, we were given a video series/lecture by Terry Dugan regarding the Impact of Media of Culture (2010-2011).  Dugan introduced culture as a learned behavior that is acquired by the individuals that surround us.  Each of us has a unique culture and, more often, many cultures that make…

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Module 4 Readings!

This week’s video lectures and readings were once again so interesting! It seems like as you go through each of the goals the readings and videos that are assigned in each one all begin to connect as they continue. This week there was some solidification of skills previously learned, while I was also introduced to…

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Module 4 Dugan & Sternheimer

This week only just begun and it already feels like it’s about to end! Starting on Wednesday definitely threw me off my game this week but thankfully there isn’t as much material to cover. After reading the Sternheimer text this week, I feel different.  Chapter 6 concentrated on sexualized images and reality.   One of the…

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Module 3 reflection

Being that this is a Blog and that we are supposed to voice our opinions as well as finding facts, I wanted to start my blog with an opinion some may find controversial. Children’s Defense Fund (2015) says, “A child of color, who will be in the majority of U.S. children in 2020, is more…

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Module 3 Readings

Before these readings I had never thought about how valuable society’s attention can be to media or when discussed by Goldhaber, he would call it “the money industry economy.” Due to the overwhelming about of information that our society gets easily lost in, attention from society is crucial in regards to media. Specifically, throughout Lankshear…

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Module 3 Reading Reflection

When I started this week’s readings, I noticed “Attention” was the theme. I did not know what to expect with the readings from this week. This week’s readings and YouTube videos, like my other classmates, struck a chord with me. They were powerful and left the audience thinking about the issues that came up with them.…

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