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Reflections on Module 3

The readings for Module 3 were so powerful, and rightfully so. The topics we engaged in this week revolved around the ideas of visibility, attention, representation, critical media literacy, inverting visibility, information and attention economies, all of which are crucial to the building up of media literacy. I want to start out with our textbook…

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module 3

For module 3 all the readings, videos, and events were close to home for me. To begin with Lanham argues that, “No attention gives you ‘raw data’. Some attention gives you massaged data. Lots of attention gives you useful information. Maximal attention gives you ‘wisdom’”.  This quote summed up and tied up all the articles…

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Module 3

As I started this week’s module, with the “Attention Economy” article I began to ask myself what the majority of my attention goes to. Sadly, the answer to that question was materialistic things that don’t deserve a thing of such scarcity such as my attention. As the week went on, I began to pay attention…

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Module 3 Reflections

Module 3 was very interesting to me because I have never thought of attention as being a bad thing. Well, I soon found out that this aligns with Lankshear and Knobel’s (2010) belief that what is most desired, is most scarce (p. 4). Attention is scarce because the truth is, each of us have only…

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Module 3 Readings

This weeks readings focusing on child poverty was actually pretty eye opening. When reading and watching the videos about helping children in poverty, the whole time I was thinking to myself “in order to help child poverty, don’t we have to help out the family they are living with?” I was thinking this because ending…

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Module 3!

So far this has been my favorite section of the class. The topic of attention is much more important than I have ever thought. I started to think to myself and reminisce what really grabs my attention? That answer was easy my phone! It constantly alerts me of events that are important to keep in…

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Module 3 Readings

  I started with Lankshear and Knobel’s “Attention Economy” because it had really interested me as I viewed the Voice Thread that was created by our Professor. I had never thought about how valuable our attention is to media or as Goldhaber calls it, “The money industry economy”. I had never realized that since there…

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Module 3 Reflection

I have learned a lot through this week’s readings about attention and poverty. I found it to be very thought provoking. The idea of an attention economy is totally new to me. I think Lankshear and Knobel did a great job describing Michael Goldhaber’s idea of an attention economy. Our economy is based off of…

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A lot of the reading that we focused on in this module was Poverty. Poverty is a huge issue that we face in America today, but I feel like we don’t pay much attention to it. We tend to pay attention to other things such as what the latest trend is, or what Kim Kardashian…

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Module 3 Reflective response

Currently, societies communication within the medium of media has dictated individuals perception on issues, ideologies, and behavior through persuasive stimuli.  As a result, individuals no longer understand nor question consumed information. Yet, perceive said digested information as a norm that can not be changed. Thus, an illusion is created towards each individuals attention in the…

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