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Module 3 Blog assignment 1!

Hey everyone!  This week we read a LOT.  Honestly, I am going into a little bit of information overload over here.  Anywho.. The module this week focused on the idea of attention.  It was stated that attention is a scarce resource within a reading from Lankshear and Knobel (2001).  In the same paper, it was…

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This week’s module was fun and interesting to me it was very engaging, something that I had already looked at before in a more detailed perspective, if that makes sense. In the reading The inversion of Visibility Chapter six, there’s was something the author said that really stood out to me, which was “Perhaps the…

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Module 2 Readings

It seems Sebastian and I had some similar thoughts on the readings this week.  Like him, I began to question my own experiences when reading the articles and watching the videos from this week. Although this was not part of the readings in question, I will be discussing the advertising videos from activity 13. I…

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Module 2 Reflections

“Drew was later charged and found guilty of three misdemeanor computer crimes in federal court, but the conviction was later thrown out on appeal” (Sternheimer, 2014). What constitutes murder? I am no lawyer and of course have no legal background but what I have read in the chapter of slander through media and cyber bullying, I…

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Module 2 Readings

After completing the readings for Module 1, I was given a strong background of media literacy. When going through Module 2, I was given a deeper look into media literacy and the vast amounts of hidden messages throughout media. Being made aware of the connotations within media, I find it even more important for everyone,…

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Module 2 Reflections

Module 2 made me think deeper about the media and its affects on society. Like so many others I have gotten lost in the media and I am truly not a critical thinker. I simply believe everything I hear and see with out a second guess that it could be wrong information. Both Module 1…

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Module 2 Re-Cap!

One of my favorite parts of this class is talking about marketing!  Therefore, reading about product placement and Shah’s article which describes children as huge consumers is right up my alley.  Although I don’t believe that it’s ethical to market to an audience that doesn’t understand why they want what they want, I find it…

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Module 2 Reflections

This has been a very eventful learning week to say the least. After completing the readings and watching the videos my mind was a bit overwhelmed. However the concept of visibility is clearer to me now once I was able to dive on into the course material. Since the week started out identifying five key…

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