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Final Survivor Blog

1.) On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner? 3- I submitted a decent amount of blogs throughout the semester. 2.) On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a […]

Chapter 5 Leadership

This episode ties into chapter five on leadership in the text by the different leaders forming within the group. After Josh got voted off the island, Reed was struggling to stay in the game. Although every member is competing individually, the members are still keeping their alliance to keep themselves in the game. Jon and […]

Survivor blog Listening

Moving on to the sixth episode, listening seemed to be the key factor between the two tribes. Their seemed to be mostly hearing going on among  the tribes and  the members were using minimal cognitive focus throughout the episode. In the hunahpu tribe, there was more talking than listening between the members which hurt them […]

Episode 5 Chapter 4

This episode began with a tribe swap which changed the complexity of the game. The Hunahpu tribe ended up with only one pair of loved ones while the Coyopa tribe only had one individual without a loved one. It seems like the dynamics of the two tribes are beginning to  change causing diversity among the […]

“We’re a Hot Mess” Blog#3

The Hanahpu tribe experienced abundant amounts of conflict throughout the fourth episode. From the beginning, Drew was creating tension by repeatedly suggesting to ask Jeff for the fishing gear that they had to decline from the last episodes challenge. After one of the members found the flint by the camp fire, Drew insisted on trying […]

Survivor Blog#2

After watching the third episode of survivor, I noticed different types of member roles  in the two groups.  Hunahpu won all of the challenges leaving the Coyopa tribe the burden of deciding who to vote out of their tribe. So far, Nadiya, Val, and Jon got voted off the Island. Following Benne and Sheats functional […]

Survivor Group Development

This would be my first time watching Survivor and I am already interested in the theme Blood vs Water. After completing the first episode, I am more aware on how the show relates to the four stages in the life cycle of groups, also known as the Tuckman’s Group Development Stages. The forming stage appeared […]

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