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Disconnected from Social Media

Disconnecting from social media sounds easy in practice, but in reality we have been connected in for so long that it has become so hard nowadays to disconnect. Maybe if we actually checked out books from the library often or if our assignments in class did not have to be typed or done in video […]

Chronic Back Pain Fun Facts

Eric Acrich Kara Mead Jamie Allison 5 Facts Chronic back pain persists for longer than 3-6 months, even after the causative injury has been treated The pain can be associated with an injury or without an identifiable tissue damage–neuropathic or radiating pain Can be difficult to treat especially in cases involving back surgery or neuropathic […]

PT Education With GI

The only patient teaching I have seen in regards to GI is about ambulation increasing bowel activity and the importance of adhering to the laxative (Golytely) regimen in regards to colonoscopy’s.There is a lot more patient teaching in regards to GI in the endoscopy rotation I had been to for my out rotation last semester.

Renal GU Drug Review! Prinivil

Lisinopril (Prinivil ) Who?: Patients with hypertension Patients with heart failure Patients with acute MI What?: Ace Inhibitors Inhibits angiotensin converting enzyme from converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II. It also prevents the degradation of bradykinin and other vasodilatory prostaglandins. Also increases plasma renin levels and decreases aldosterone levels. Net result is systemic vasodilation. When?: […]