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Blog Post #10

The final post! Woo Hoo! 1) On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner? -I think is was a solid 3.5-4 or 65% of the time I submitted in a timely manner every time. (Anchorman reference sorry) 2) On a…

Blog Post #8

Episode 9: Getting to Crunch Time In this episode trust became a huge factor to the players. Everyone became obsessed with who had the idol and even Jeremy went looking for it on Exile Island. When he couldn’t find it he tried to talk to his members of his alliance…

Blog post # 7

Episode 8: Wrinkle in the Plan Chapter 3 lined up with this episode nicely, especially with dealing with manipulators. Baylor lines ups with the characteristics listed in the text especially in this last episode. She plays the victim constantly and it was one of the main reasons why she almost…

Blog Post #3

Episode 4: In this episode everything that was keeping the Blue team strong finally crumbled in this episode. After the first Challenge Drew volunteered himself to go to exile island with the girl who lost the first challenge. He admits that he wants to throw the next challenge because he’s…

Blog Post #2

Episode 3: On this week’s episode of Survivor tensions were at an all time high, it also lined up with chapter 3 pretty nicely. Everyone is starting to find their current roles as a member of their own teams. John did mess up pretty substantially in this episode by going…

Blog Post #1

Despite my distaste for Survivor there are many concepts from the show that are helpful of understanding the textbook in an active way. Because the show has just begun its season, Chapter 2 or group development holds most of the concepts that were shown throughout the episodes. Some of the…