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Web Text #1

To the mother I once knew, Thank-you for teaching me everything I know and then teaching me how to live without you. Mother-daughter relationships are meant to last a lifetime you said, but you have shown me that is a lie. It has been almost a year since you abandoned and disowned me, and I … Continue reading Web Text #1

Blog #5: How Place Matters

I believe that place matters greatly, for your environment shapes you into the person you are. The place that you grew up in molds you into who you are, with factors like: race, average income, living arrangements, and local stores. These examples have helped me think about the importance of “place” because they have made … Continue reading Blog #5: How Place Matters

Blog #4: Metaphors

My first metaphor of choice is “A Thousand Rules and Three Principles”, meaning that writers often get writer’s block because they try to follow so many rules, but there are only three real principles you need to abide by. Basically the principles state that you should write what your are passionate about, tell and show … Continue reading Blog #4: Metaphors

“Backpacks vs. Breifcases” Rhetorical Analysis

In the article, “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” informs us how rhetoric is used to persuade audiences with certain language and images (Carroll, 46). The writer/speaker uses tools like, rhetorical appeals, such as Aristotle’s logos (logic/statistics/facts), pathos (emotion), and ethos (creditability). Rhetoric is used most commonly in the media for advertisements to persuade the consumer to buy … Continue reading “Backpacks vs. Breifcases” Rhetorical Analysis

The Sixties

The sixties were a revolutionary time for civil rights and the US as a whole. Johnson ordered the Vietnam war, with the American citizens later learning that the Johnson administration had lied about the attack in Vietnam. The Vietnam war was the first ever war to be televised and US citizens finally understood the brutality … Continue reading The Sixties

Letters From Past War

History always seemed like a dull or boring subject, until I did research on past letters to Congressman Bizz Johnson during the Vietnam War. I read a total of 38 letters addressed to the Congressman, all during the year 1970. The average “push” in all the letters was to dissolve the Vietnam War and bring … Continue reading Letters From Past War

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