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Updated willow map 3/2/15

Completion of a preliminary map showing the distribution of Willow (Salix sp.) trees within Quemada Creek on Santa Rosa Island.
Data was gathered south of geomorphic cross-section 10 (map coming soon). Our total count was 38 individuals as of Nov. 2014.

Willow Location Map

Here’s a primitive map at where the willows are located throughout our study area. We counted a total of 38 willows and will start analyzing what their placement might mean for the watershed.

Final QI trip of the Fall

Just returned from Santa Rosa Island for the last time this semester with the weekend proving to be productive and eye-opening in a variety of ways! We completed 6 more transects in Quemada- five along the banks and one within the riparian zone. We also took GPS points of all Willow Trees (an indicator species) […]

Update: QI #4

Back from the Island! Last weekend’s trip was the most productive yet with all ten transects now complete. Our trip on Nov. 8th will be the last trip to SRI until we visit in January. Now that we have our basic data gathered, we can begin asking further questions and exploring answers.

Quemada Initiative Trip #4

We’ll be departing this Friday, October 31 for our fourth excursion to Santa Rosa Island. The vegetation survey is in full swing- we’re expecting our first 10 transects to be completed by the end of the weekend. The results of this weekend will undoubtedly lead to more questions. Stay tuned!