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“Disconnecting” from Technology

I find it quite ironic that I am here writing about “disconnecting” from technology as I use my computer, the internet, and the word press site to blog. Today, technology is all around us and is unavoidable. This assignment was made as an activity because class was cancelled yesterday. How did I found out that…

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Upper GI Endoscopy Patient Education

This YouTube video is a great tool to educate pre-op patients about what to expect during an endoscopy procedure. The audio and visual explanation helps the patient get a more detailed and interactive understanding.


What is it? inflammations of the pancreas Who gets it? all ages, mortality rate increases with age, hx of alcohol abuse , hx gallstones, contraction of bacterial or viral disease When should seek care? when mid epigastric abdominal pain arrises Where is the location? pancreas, left upper abdomen, behind the stomach Why does it happen?…

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Bumex Who? used for edema due to heart failure, hepatic disease, or renal impairment What? a loop diuretic, inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride from the loop of Henle and distal renal tubule, increase increases renal excretion of water, NaCl, Mg, K, Ca When? may be administered over 12hrs for patients with renal impairment…

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My first post

Hello classmates! Did this work? Wow I officially made my first post, this is all so new to me! Looking forward to another busy and knowledgable year!