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Luke Lineberger – Post IV

My consistency was about a 1/5. I don’t think I ever commented on anyone’s blog, so 1/5. For the blogposts I did make, I think I did all right tying them in to the lesson…so 4/5. If I had any strengths on blogging and participating, I think they’d have been analysis of the episode in regards to […]

Luke Lineberger – Post III

Each tribe prepares to merge, and their nonverbal signals match up with everything we, and the cast, could expect. Keith, who received two votes, has the wide-eyed, hunched shoulders look of someone who is suddenly very uncertain when his fellow Coyopa tribe members hasten to explain themselves. Everyone who talks about the merging demonstrates posture […]

Luke Lineberger – Post II

Survivor Episode 3 Tension rises as the Coyopa Tribe comes to terms with Val being voted out, and Josh remains suspicious of John after flipping his vote. The Hunahpu Tribe focuses less on politics and more on their shelter, though _ stands out for his lack of contributions. When both Tribes meet to begin the […]