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I never really understood the importance of place to begin with, until attending my very first UNIV 298 class with Luis Sanchez and Sean Kelly. Reflecting back and seeing the place I grew up in, really got me thinking as to why place wasn’t highlighted in my education in the first place. I started toread more

Simpler Way of Writing (Blogpost #4)

I think we (as writers) can all agree that writing isn’t easy. In fact, it’s much easier to get lost in our thoughts let alone writing them. The most crucial part of writing is learning how to write, which in most cases only comes with practice. Imagine attending a class that teaches you all ofread more

Letting Go of You…. (Navigating Genres Blogpost #3)

To the “friend” I once knew, Thank you for showing me that friendships aren’t easy. They take time to develop and grow into something more meaningful. But amidst all of the hardships, I guess I thought I knew who you were. I thought we were closer than that after having all of the real talksread more

In Search of Purpose (Rhetorical Analysis Blogpost #1)

Without freedom how can we search for purpose? The Declaration of Independence gave us that very same freedom. Yes it, “…severed the colonies ties to the British crown” (NewNation). However, this document wasn’t just a piece of paper; it persuaded the 13 colonies to become United. The Declaration of Independence was the start of settlingread more

Interconnected Through the Looking Glass

Confinement collapsed the moment I stepped on Santa Rosa Island. Ironically, I no longer felt like I was drowning. Being on the island helped me breathe again in the comfort of the vast knowledge presented in front of me. Matt Fermanski, Alison Alvarado, Cause Hanna, and Jennifer Perry all brought something different to the tableread more


We are all a part of this world, nonetheless our presence isn’t the essence of the universe. Over the course of three days spent on Santa Rosa Island, I have seen the world go round. I’ve felt it move in waves. The experience woke me up. I could finally see the presence existing inside meread more

Uncovering the Truth about Reagan

It is no doubt that I did have my reservations of biased opinions when it comes to President Reagan. But it has come to my attention that this man not only claimed he cared about the people, he showed it in his actions. To me that’s really all one can do in his position, evenread more

In Oneness We Are BEING.

“Now this opportunity is at hand to make good this promise to extend all Americans regardless of race or religion the normal, everyday privileges that many of us take for granted– and to which we pay lip service” (Menke). On October 22, 1963 a civil rights citizen named Wayne G. Menke from 1120 Wendy Way Chico,read more

The Sixties within US

Discomfort made me feel stupid. I couldn’t understand half of what was really going on when reading these documents on the Vietnam war. A part of me honestly was skeptical when opening up these documents. To my own awareness, I was still flustered and confused as to why humanity at that time period, did whatread more