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This unplugging exercise was very interesting to me, I was wondering if most people within this day and age actually need to have an assignment in order to unplug from technology. Since I live far from my boyfriend and most of my family whenever I am with them I unplug without even realizing it. I…

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Pelvic Fracture – 5 FUN Facts!

-They are more common in younger and middle-aged adults who participate in risky behavior. -There is a high mortality rate (as high as 30%) associated with unstable pelvic fractures due to hemorrhage, pulmonary complication, fat emboli, thromboembolic complications and infection. -S/S: echymosis, tenderness over the symphisis pubis, anterior iliac spines, iliac crest, sacrum or coccyx;…

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Patient Education

Patient education is a HUGE role for a nurse and is also, in my opinion, one of the most important roles. With the right patient education you as a nurse are giving the patient knowledge to care for themselves and to get better. Without the knowledge and resources to manage a chronic illness or care…

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Diverticulitis Diet

Something that I thought was interesting about patient education with GI diet for diverticulitis. This came up for me about a month ago when someone close to me actually was diagnosed with acute severe diverticulitis and was not educated about what to do about dietary needs. For someone who has diverticulitis initially they are NPO…

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First Clinical

I cannot believe how far we all have come since our first day at clinical. I remember how scary it was to even think that we would be TOUCHING a patient and asking them when they last had pooped. I was especially nervous due to feeling so unprepared, I don’t think anything can really prepare…

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