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I have been part of a course that teaches its students about digital citizenship and how to work in a world that is going under the cyber age. In the beginning of this semester I was very nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. I thought I knew most things about what it meant to…
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Digital Citizen

This week my class and I were to read an article about Digital Citizenship and watch a video about being knowledgable about technology and how to properly use it. Here are links to both. https://thejournal.com/Articles/2012/04/09/Rethinking-digital-citizenship.aspx?Page=4 I liked the digital citizenship article. It talked a lot about what it meant to be a good person online…
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Made Contact! 2

  As with the previous week I was to make contact with members of the group I was studying which was the LGBTQ community and they have been so gracious enough to contact  me back. One thing I am getting from this week rather than last week is a much bigger response, not in how…
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Made Contact!

In my last post, I explained how I was trying to make contact with people who are apart of the community I am studying. I am studying the LGBT community in regards to social media. So I made a few comments to see if I could  get anyone to talk to me. My post included…
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Making Contact!

This week I was to make contact with the people on my topic which is the LGBT Community. I was a bit hesitant on what to put and on what site to make contact. I decided on Instagram and made contact through a comment because I notice very different people post there and I wanted…
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Lurking 2

This week I continued my lurking on the social media sites Facebook and Instagram. The users I “lurked” were LGBTNews on Facebook and lgbttextposts (no caps). I am doing this to understand the social aspect of the LGBT community. I found that people are much friendlier and more rancid on Facebook than on Instagram when…
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This week I am to be “lurking” on social media on the subject of the LGBT community. I am doing this to explore the environment and community of these sites, which are Facebook- LGBT News and Instagram- LGBTTEXTPOSTS.  I “lurk,” view site or page without contributing by comment, about as often as I can. That…
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Social Media

This week I searched my topic  of the LGBT community on social media. The media I chose was Facebook and Instagram. In both social media sights I typed in LGBT. Simply that, no hashtag no nothing. I was pleasantly surprised to find that on Facebook it took me directly to LGBT News and the next…
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Peer Reviewed Articles

So this week my assignment was to look up my topic, the LGBT community, and find it on a database  to look for peer reviewed articles. What I found out that there was a lot of articles to my surprise. I searched from the database Academic Search Premier and categorized it under the Communications field…
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Search Engines

This week I looked up the topic LGBT on three different searching engines including Google Chrome, DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo. The search from Google was what I expected because that’s the search engine I usually use. When I typed in LGBT the search result also suggested lgbt center, lgbt community and the like. I just stuck…
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