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Final Blog Post

So it is finals week and our assignment is to say if our idea of being a digital citizen is the same from when we first entered the class. My post said that we all have a responsibility as digital citizens to watch what we say because what we say and what we do can […]

What it means to be a Digital Citizen

For this week we are leaning off our group projects and instead looking at what it means to be digital citizens and how we can use social media in our favor. We were given two sources to look at, the first was a news post Turning Students into Good Digital Citizens and the second was a […]

How Did the Commenting Go?

This week we were asked to try and engage with the organization or group that was our topic. My topic is health care. Last week I tried commenting on one of the posts from the organization that I chose for my topic. This week I decided to send this organization, World Health Organization (WHO), a […]

I Try Commenting This Time

This week we are still trying to reach out to these organizations and groups about our topic. My topic is health. I chose to look at the organization: World Health Organization or (WHO). I noticed they commented back when people would comment on something that they posted. So I thought I would give it a […]

My Contribution to Social Media

So this week we are supposed to engage in some sort of social media, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, or what have you. The way we are supposed to engage is by commenting on the topic or commenting on something someone else said on the page of what ever we chose.  We could also […]

Why I Am Still Lurking

Ok so this week I am going to be lurking on the same websites that I was lurking on the week before. If you did not see my last post or forgot the websites, it was the World Health Organization on Facebook and Startup Health on Twitter; and if you couldn’t figure it out these […]

Lurking and Why I’m Doing It

In this week’s post I am supposed to lurk on two social websites about my topic, health care. I am lurking because I’m supposed to get the feel of the community that I’m lurking in and see the interactions/ideas that goes on. So again this week I am  looking at the World Health Organization, otherwise […]

Social Media Search

What we were supposed to do in this post according to our assignment was to find something on our topic that is in social media. My topic is health care. Because I am a lady I thought I might find something on women’s health care. Unfortunately all I could find really, was stuff on Planned […]

Using my College Library

In this week’s challenge we had to look up our topics on Google Scholar and use our library data base. The first thing I use was Google Scholar. I typed in a key word and a bunch of results but got results that didn’t really pertain to my topic or that were just too broad. […]

Social Issues

This week my fellow students and I were told to find a topic and get information about said topic. I chose health care, or more particularly women’s health care. We were also told to use crap detection, which is basically making sure that our sources are valid using three outside sources to validate said source. […]