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Disconnecting from Technology

I am the first to admit that I use my phone and social media more than I should. I was excited about this assignment to take a day (or as much of the day as possible) to disconnect from technology and social media. I unfortunately could not go an entire day without technology, because I […]

Patient Education

Patient education is a vital role of nurses in any healthcare setting. Patients need to know various things about the medications they are prescribed, as well as other forms of treatment and follow up appointments. There are numerous ways to educate a patient, from paper to electronics to visual demonstration. A survey that I researched […]

Flomax – What You Need to Know

Generic Name: Tamsulosin Classification: anti-adrenergic Action: decreases contractions in smooth muscle of the prostatic capsule by preferentially binding to alpha1 adrenergic receptors Indication: management of outflow obstruction in male patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia Dosing: 0.4 mg PO once daily after meals (at the same time every day) This medication can be taken at home. […]

First Post!

I can’t believe we are all starting our second year of the nursing program! It is amazing to think how far I’ve come from the first day, and that we will all be nurses in less than two years. I have gone from being extremely nervous to be in the hospital, to being excited about […]

Hello world!

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