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Contemporary Issues Affecting College Students

This week in my Digital Citizenship class we are discussing social issues and why they should be considered to be of importance to college students. I personally had little interest in political issues until my senior year of high school when the 2008 Presidential candidates commanded attention in my Government class. Five issues that stand out to me

Digital Footprint

An audit of one’s digital footprint can be quite the eye-opening process. One can easily stand out in the digital realm or can be obscured underneath millions of others. I personally found that I can fall into either one of these categories. During an in depth search with just my first and last names, I


Hey guys! My name is Melissa G. Holt. I grew up in the streets of Los Angeles and graduated from the California Academy of Math & Science. My experiences in high school were wonderful in many ways, but at a high school that emphasizes math & science, you truly discover if those fields are for you.