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Choosing the Right WordPress Theme

WordPress is a powerhouse when it comes to creating websites.  But creating a great website is not easy. One of the difficult and most important decisions you make as a WordPress user is choosing your website’s theme. How do you make this choice with so many options out there? Below is a list of four things […]

Become a FIT Studio Cardholder and Get Swag!

Everybody loves getting free swag, and we love seeing your faces stop by the FIT Studio. So to get the best of both worlds, we’ve created our FIT Frequent Visitor card. Every time you stop by the studio and work with us, we’ll give your card a punch. Once you’ve gotten all 10 punches, you’ll […]

Make CI Learn Quicker with Qwickly

You may or may not have noticed a new panel the last time that you logged into your CI Learn titled Qwickly. If you haven’t noticed it, you’re going to want to, because it’s about to make your experience in CI Learn a lot better. What is it? Qwickly is a new tool that allows […]

Add Some Flavor to Your CI Learn Course

An often overlooked feature of CI Learn is the ability to customize the look and feel of your courses, as well as the navigation. By doing these simple tweaks you can make it easier to differentiate your courses, enhance usability for both you and your students, and also give your course it’s own flavor. Here […]

Bb Grader App Brings CI Learn Grading to Your iPad!

Blackboard has introduced their new iPad grading app called Bb Grader. This convenient tool allows you to do your grading on the go, add comments and markup to assignments, and even pause where you’re at in the grading process then pick right back up where you left off back at your computer. Check out the […]

5 Essential Elements in CI Learn

While the current semester is coming to an end, the new semester’s courses in CI Learn are available and before you know it it’ll be time to get those courses ready for students. Moving forward with successful course design in mind, here are 5 essential elements in a CI Learn course.