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Hooray! You made it to our course homepage. My course announcements will appear on this page. Be sure to look for updates here each time you log-in. On the right side of the page you will find some extra goodies, including Tweets from me and anyone else who sends Tweets that include the hashtag #HumanizeOL. I encourage you to give it a try! Share your takeaways, resources related to humanizing, and anything else you find relevant. To get started, view my brief welcome video below and then click on the Start Here area.  Have fun!

Faculty Panel: Exploring the State of the LMS in the CSU

CSU LPS Faculty Panel Thursday, December 10th, 2015 3pm PT/ 6pm ET Register here (it’s free). Panelists:Carolyn Gibbs (CSU Sacramento)Jackson Wilson (CSU San Francisco)Paul Boyd-Batstone (CSU Long Beach)Jaime Hannans (CSU Channel Islands)Ben Seipel (CSU Chico) This Thursday, December 10th, 2015 at 3pm PT/ 6pm ET, I will be moderating a 90-minute online panel that will…

Getting Close

Hi Class, We are getting close the the end of our class together, just a few more details to finish up the semester. Don’t forget to go in and comment on 3 of your classmates Voicethreads. I watched a few today and saw that some of you have already done so. I hope you enjoyed…

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Final Project VoiceThread Presentation Due Today (Challenge 6, 1.1)

This is a friendly reminder that your final project VoiceThread presentation is due today at 4:15pm. As of Thursday at 10am, 5 students (Alex, Joshua, Marina, Marisa, and Ryland) have submitted their projects. Please read the rubric and the video “Create a VoiceThread” to view the process for making *and* submitting your project. Both of…

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Dust to Digits: Writing Our Stories Through Family Photographs

I wrote this post as a guest contribution for Digital Writing Month. I hope it will inspire you to to reach back in time, learn a new story about yourself, write, and share.  “Each photograph is read as the private appearance of its referent: the age of Photography corresponds rather precisely to the explosion of…

Schedule Changes

Hi everyone, Jill and I will be discussing these details in class today, but we’d like to clearly communicate them in writing as well to ensure we are all on the same page. Week 15: Mon, 11/30-Fri, 12/4 We will not meet in person this week, as specified in the syllabus. This week you will develop the…

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New Threaded Comments in VoiceThread

Click here to view a full-size version of this VoiceThread or to open it in the mobile app.   The long wait is over…and the irony of the Voice”Thread” name has been put to rest! VoiceThread has released the following new commenting options. Direct reply. This feature enables only the owner of a VoiceThread to…

Events on Campus this Week!

Hello class! I hope everyone is having a great week so far! There are only a few events on campus this week! If I could recommend one event to go to on campus, it would be the Tunnel of Oppression, based off the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. They are still looking for volunteers…

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