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Making Sense of Higher Ed: #DLRN15 Reflections

Last week, I attended the Digital Learning Resource Network conference #DLRN15 at Stanford University with my colleague, Jill Leafstedt. It was a very worthy experience and I’m processing a lot of ideas right now. With a couple of days of distance, I am now sensing what my most important takeaways are — at least for…

Virtual CI Activity

Hi All, Here is one more event going on this week at CI. The Writing & Multiliteracy Center is hosting a National Day of Writing event on Facebook. Details are below. This link should take you to the FB site, if not search for Celebrate National Day of Writing with Stories of Writing on Facebook….

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Events on Campus this Week!

Hello Class! These are some of the events happening on Campus this week! Do not forget that you need to attend three campus events and post a picture or a write-up that you attended in your blog posts! There are a lot of opportunities to volunteer on campus, which is just another great way to…

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Week 8 Assignments & Guest Speaker Details

  Hello, class. We hope you are engaged with the lurking process by now. Here are a few important updates for you. Week 8 Assignments Due Tomorrow: You have 5 items due tomorrow, Tuesday, by 4:15. They are listed in the order you should complete them here: http://univ349.brocansky.cikeys.com/weekly-schedule/#week-8 Guest Speakers this Thursday In class this Thursday,…

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CI Events Going On This Week!

Hello Univ 349, As I said in class yesterday, I will be posting the events on WordPress each week, instead of giving a long list of announcements in class! This way we can spend more time doing activities and having awesome discussions! The events are hyperlinked so if you click on them it will direct…

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Submit your question for our guest speakers!

Please click the link below and submit your question for Michael Berman and Raechelle Clemmons.


For more details about our guests, please click here: http://tiny.cc/whybesocial


Dear Students, I have just finished listening to and responding to our VT this week. Unfortunately, only 6 of you have participated. I am guessing it is because the directions this week were a little different in format. I have copied and linked to the weekly directions. It is very important for our class time on…

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Week 7 Check-In

Hello and happy Friday!  We have a few items to check-in with you about. The grade book is current. The work that was submitted on time for Week 6 (Challenge 3, Component 2 blog post) has been graded. Please check the grade book in CI Learn and read any feedback we may have left for…

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Preparing for Tomorrow’s Class

  Hi everyone. Jill and I are currently updating the gradebook for your Week 6 blog posts, which were due on Tuesday. It’s exciting to see your progress! Tomorrow, we’ll be stressing the value of incorporating visuals (images and videos) into your posts, as well as your Google Doc. In preparation for tomorrow’s class, we’d…

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