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Week 6 Assignments Due Today

Hi everyone. How are your peer review searches going for Challenge #3? Your blog post and Google Doc contributions are due today at 4:15. Click here to review the Week 6 assignments. Please be sure to visit several of your peers’ blogs through the links on the Student Blogs page and leave comments for your classmates. These…

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Straddling the Chasm: Rethinking Faculty Support

Straddling The Chasm: Rethinking Faculty Support from Michelle Pacansky-Brock Today I had the honor and pleasure to share a keynote presentation at the NUTN Annual Conference (#NUTN15) in Savannah, GA. NUTN (National University Technology Network) originally started in 1982 as a group of representatives from institutions delivering distance learning through tele-courses. This was my first…

Week 5 Check-In

Hi everyone. You should all be actively working on Component 1 of Challenge #3: Collect. Please be sure to read the overview of each component in the Challenge 3 description here. In addition to your blog post this week, you are also contributing at least 5 links to relevant sources you collected this week. At…

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Week 4 Updates

Hello All, Hope you had a great weekend. We are excited to see which social issues you select and write about this week. Please remember all assignments are due Tuesday by 4:15. Week 4 To Do List:   Click here to read the overview of Challenge 2. Click here to read: Top 5 Political Issues…

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The Lecture: A Cultural Construction of Privilege?

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve read an article that has inspired me to write a post on a Sunday afternoon. But today, I saw a link to an article in my Nuzzel feed titled “Is the lecture unfair?” and it piqued my interest. This recent article from the New York Times discusses findings from recent…

Great Class


Hi All, Michelle and I really enjoyed our discussion in class this week. Have a great weekend.

Time- Management

Hello Class, I hope everyone had an enjoyable Labor Day Weekend. This week in class I will be covering time-management and how important it is in order to succeed in your academic career. Please take 4 minutes to watch this short youtube video on time-management before Thursday so that we might have a full and hearty…

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