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DIG Meetings

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good week! I have put together your DIG Meeting schedules which I will post below. Please contact me if there are any problems or concerns or if you know there is a certain DIG Meeting you will not be able to make. TEA Katelynn Crook TEA, Project ALAS/University…

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Update for Week 2

Hi Everyone, Michelle and I have been watching for submissions of your CI Keys website for class. Since we have not received any urls, we went back and checked our directions. We realized a step was missing. Please follow the below directions. Go to cikeys.com to and click Get Started. You will be prompted to…

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Week 2 is Underway!

Hi everyone! Jill, Katelynn, and I enjoyed meeting you all on Thursday. We’re going to have a great semester together! Most of you have completed all of the week 1 activities. If you did not, you received an email from me yesterday noting the items you need to complete. The work you do early on…

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What is Open Pedagogy

Eight Qualities of Open Pedagogy, a word cloud created with Tagul.com This post was originally published on Teaching and Learning Innovations @CI. Chances are, you are familiar with the concept of “open content,” but “open pedagogy” has not yet made its way into mainstream conversations about teaching and learning. Open content, of course, refers to…

Transforming Faculty Support through Co-Creation

In 2007, I began integrating web-based technologies into my online and face-to-face classes. In the years that followed, I discovered new ways to engage my students, learned how technology can support more diverse groups of learners, and grew into a passionate supporter of online and blended learning. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot and…

5 Ways to Support Faculty who Teach with Emerging Technologies

“We must support both sides of the chasm.” –Phil Hill As online and blended learning reshapes the landscape of teaching and learning in higher education, the need to encourage and support faculty to move from delivering passive, teacher-centered experiences to designing active, student-centered learning increases.  Our new social era is rich with simple, free to…