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Group Leadership Motivation  is the concept of focus. in this episode the motivation I connected with was when it came to convincing one another for who to vote for to be voted off the Island. We also continue to see how Jon and Jaclyn continue to run this whole alliance and the tribe in general […]

Survivor Blog Post OCHO

OMG OMG OMG! I didn’t expect for this episode to end this way. Please tell me you were as shocked as I was. In this episode we see that members begin to become more in charge, set a leadership role and its visible by actions and what the other tribe members do and say. It […]


Immediately we begin to see how the tribe members discuss how Julie quitting was a mistake, how she should of contained herself till the elimination. This behavior of her’s relates to the text in how she did not have an effective problem solving strategy for the reasons that she didn’t communicate with her group members […]

Why? Why? Why?

This episode began with a huge game changer. Both tribes were combined into being one. It brought loved ones together as well as old alliances. I’t made some weaker, and others stronger. Loved ones were beginning to be a threat for those who were alone. For example Julie and Jeremy, they both were not for […]


In this episode we focusing on listening, in which selective listening is seen. Poor listening skills is shown through both tribes. At first we see the hanaphu tribe, we begin to see how the group would discuss about the appropriate portions of rice to eat which led to tension between some of the group members. […]

Episode 4

On the fourth episode we come back with the result that John has been voted off the Island. People in the opposite tribe seem happy and surprisingly his girlfriend mentions that she is fine. If we go back to the text it explains how gender roles have a big part in how you deal with […]

Episode 3

Conflict and cohesion is written all over the third episode. It begins with affective conflict combined with Procedural conflict, the example being Drew giving up on the idea to contribute to the groups method in strengthening their hut, their living arrangement because of future concerns, storms being one of them. He chose to be lazy […]

Who Should I Believe?

In the second episode of Survivor we seek for the membership between the tribes as well as the members themselves. We begin to see that both the Coyopa and the Hunahpuh tribe members are forming strong bonds between each other and their actual identities begin to show and become exposed. We also see inclusion. Its […]

Survivor blog 02

And so it begins. It was blood against blood. They begin with cutting ties between friends and family. Two tribes were formed, the Hunahpu tribe known as the Blue tribe, and the Coyopa tribe known as the orange tribe. You begin to see once formed the forming of the groups with how they start to […]