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The Future…and Beyond.

      The medical industry is in a period of rapid transition. The technological advances that have occurred in the last ten years is astounding. One can only imagine what is to come. The rapid advances in technology along with health care reform and the millions of aging “Baby Boomers” is a heavy cocktail for […]

The Boston Marathon Bombing: Alerted by a Tweet

    Just over two years ago, on April 15, 2013, two pressure cooker bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 people and injuring an estimated 264 others. Although unexpected, the time and location of the event was favorable in regards to healthcare response. For one, hospitals were already on standby […]

Knowledge is Power

When it comes to my family, my step-dad is the only one that takes prescription medications. He has hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Prior to this assignment, I was even unsure what he was taking so it was interesting for me to ask him. Here is a recap of what was said: Me: “Do you know what […]

Technology is “Booming” for the Baby Boomers

      Technology in medicine is evolving faster than ever before. Smaller devices, more effective medications and less invasive procedures are exploding on to the market. One technology on the rise is the use of bioresorbable stents. Up until this point, stents have been made of metal. The drawbacks associated with metal stents is […]

The Beginning to the End…

My final semester of nursing school… It is hard to believe that I have come this far. I remember starting this journey towards becoming a nurse and being overwhelmed with what seemed to be a never-ending road ahead of me. It’s hard for me to conceptualize the fact that in a few months, I will […]