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On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner? 5 On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog? 5 One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how […]

Extra Credit: Group D

Group D Section 3 Group project for the future: Service Learning Project Overview: Channel Islands offers a great service learning opportunity through our school. They can get access through csuci.edu on the service learning page about the different opportunities or you could bring in a service learning representative for a quick discussion on how service learning […]


This week in survivor, everyone is on their toes after alliances were openly betrayed last week. During the immunity challenge, Jeff pries into their temptation with food. Wes falls easily into that trap, picking the chicken wings over the immunity idol. He doesn’t seem to have a sense of competence when deciding his strategy since […]

Eppy 8

What a shock to see Jeremy voted off. Granted I was not his biggest fan, I definitely didn’t see his alliance betraying him. Especially with the leadership skills he greatly portrayed among them. From the first episode, he took charge forming an alliance, knowing what the end goal was, determined to get there. He led […]

Voting to Survive

In the current chapter, we’re learning about voting within groups. This chapter is prevalent with every survivor episode. In episode 8, Baylor turns her back on Josh after he “threats” her on why she needs to vote Jeremy, not him. This turns Baylor off, making her voting decision easier to vote against Josh instead. She […]

To Survive or Naaaaah

This last week we learned about nonverbal which essentially plays into our everyday lives so it was easy to relate this last episode of survivor to our chapter content. In survivor, the merge takes place diminishing the two separate teams thus creating it one for all. Except for those who still have a loved one competing; […]

Episode 6

In this episode, you see more lying and back stabbing. But what else is new? Dale lies to his tribe about why they can’t vote him off but that doesn’t stop them. I think this is another great episode that relates to conflict and cohesion. No group really portrays cohesion anymore but that’s what they […]

Blood v Blood

In episode 5, Blood v Blood, I found it easy to relate our chapter on Conflict and Cohesion to it. They mixed around the teams causing blue team to have one couple, the rest being separated still while the orange team is filled with who they came with minus Keith who is still separated from […]

Goodbye #4

WHY DREW WHY WORK AGAINST YOUR TEAM?! Does this not make sense to anyone else? Granted in the end there is only one winner but let us not forget we’re only 3 people out. We can’t get selfish yet because where does that leave us? As the fourth person out. Bye yaaaaa Drew! He basically […]

Just a Tad

I only have a few words to throw out onto my blog this week. Unfortunately, I am a poor college student who cannot afford Tivo or any other device that records television shows and my roommate is a poor college graduate who also cannot afford such causalities. Why does CBS choose to upload their episodes […]