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Final Calculations Complete

I finished calculating the area under the curve of my cross-sections (the relevant ones). This allows me to see how sediment has stabilized throughout time. Each stream event changes the amount of sediment under the curve. With changes in the amount of sediment, I can see any relative changes in the geomorphology as a whole. […]

Vegetation is holding me down

My entire paper is essentially complete except for formatting. Well, aside from the fact that it’s becoming a nuisance trying to find a way to represent the vegetation in the creek. Because the vegetation surveys that I did were at a different number system than the topographical surveys; the data shows vegetation in areas that, […]

Spent the weekend working on graphs

I struggled to finish getting my data entered this weekend. Every time I attempted to graph my channel profiles I found a new large error. After approximately forty eight hours of focused data entry, I finalized a majority of my channel profiles. However, I’m still attempting to find a way to enter my vegetation data. […]

Caught-up Data Collection and Started Mapping

I got out into the field last week to catch up on data collection. Now all I have to do is wait for the next storm event to hit. In the mean time, I spent some time working on my map! I need to get back out into the field in order to collect GIS […]

Gone with the wind

As I stand before the storm, the winds begin to brew. I struggle to keep the elevation rod and transect tape in prime condition for accurate data production. On top of this, I’m running out of time until the next storm–considering that storms seem to phase in and out without much notice this season. While […]

Muddy Problems

Got all of my surveying done over the break, but noticed a potential problem. With the coming El Nino, we will potentially be seeing storm events in larger frequency and quantities. During the last survey, we struggled through some mud to collect the data. I imagine as the storm events grow, hiking through the mud–or […]

Roadkill in Urban, Suburban, and Natural Environments

Synanthropic species are species that have tendencies to compete well in urban environments. Urban environments have specific attributes that can allow certain species to thrive whilst others fail to compete. However, it must be defined what an urban environment is and what about it can affect the species in the area. This can be anything […]