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First Time Ever Watching Survivor

The first episode of survivor has two groups blood vs water. The loved ones were separated and they had to compete against each other. Each pair was put into a tribe called- Hunahpu which was (blue) and Coyopa (orange). The groups had to introduce each other so that they can bond with one another later […]

Surviovor Entry 1.

Survivor Entry one. I have never watched survivor before, but it somewhat reminds me of the show called the challenge. But from after watching this for the first time, I knew that communication was key to win this game. The episode starts off with nine couples stranded in Nicaragua. The first thing they do is […]

Blog 1- Gloria Gutierrez

Blog #1   PART I: Last week we all got a chance to do our “who am I” presentation. We all shared an identity that has affected us in our lives. This was a great way to get to know my classmates. Thank you for allowing me to share a piece of my life with […]