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Surviving Not Enough of a Motivation?

According to the text, motive comes from a French word, motif, which means causing to move. Motivation gives us a reason to act. For everyone in survivor, motivation is definitely not something that is missing. Most members are after the extrinsic reward of winning the price money, which satisfies our most basic needs including our […]

Gettin’ to Crunch Time ~ Episode 9

Before I started blogging for the day, I realized that i had mixed up the blog assignments, and today was supposed to be the blog entry about group motivation… guess I just have to role with the punches! On to the blog: This episode of Survivor was full of surprises; first, Jeremy and Natalie gave up their spots for the… Read more →

Blog entry 9.

Throughout this past episode, it was clearly seen that group leadership motivation was taken place. For example, when teams are choosing who is going to go into a challenge, the team chooses the most experienced member. With this, the team members are able to pump up members and get them motivated for the challenges that […]

All Hail Jon

During this episode of survivor it was their 24th day on the island, and the Huyopa Tribal council voting were running off of many people’s attitudes. Natalie was still extremely shocked and blind sighted that Jeremy was voted out and was out for revenge and bonding with other people. During this episode, Natalie and Reed

idols on idols

I was pretty disappointed that Jon stayed on. Although it looked like there was bad communication, I thought that because most of the votes were for Jon, that Reed and the others communicated well  by convincing Jon and Jaclyn that they were voting for Keith or Wes but actually following through with the Jon vote. […]

Survivor Ep. 9

Beginning of the episode recaps with Josh’s elimination. The minority feels weakened and threatened, and darkness seems to be at the end of the tunnel. Keith, who has an idol starts thinking strategy, but emotion may be an underlying reason for the brash plan he’s erected. Get them to vote him off, then play the […]


I was so furious with this episode. Jeremy is so kind and s such a team player. He tritely plays for the heart of the game and believes in doing what is right. Unfortunately Missy and Baylor think John is the bees knees and join him in his false alliance. Join is so selfish and […]

Blog post #8 Chapter 5

The episode “Gettin’ To Crunch Time” had many intense moments. Leadership was brought in when Jon had the idol and decided to lie by saying that he didn’t have it so that Jeremy can  look like a lie and he can choose to do what he wants with everyone else. In my opinion Jon could of made […]

‘Cause the Players gonna play, play, play

During this episode of Survivor the players on the show went through a series of events leading to a an unexpected ending. Throughout the episode the Huyopa tribe displayed all of the four categories of group motivation. After Day 21, the Huyopa tribe came back from tribal council having voted Josh out. This decision left

Survivor Episode 8

The last episode was kind of a cop out because the girl just up and quit so there was no real climax, just tension. The handsome couple are still vying for Jeremy’s neck despite his ignorance and that’s where we left off. I had some expectations that things would change, but nothing drastic so far. […]