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I missed last week’s class as I was unable to attend. This weeks reading were emphasized on socioeconomic the article “From homeless to college grad: Story of B-CU student inspires”. Joshua Williams’s story provides a lot hope despite the challenges he faced. Joshua story provides other students with inspirations who may be in the same […]

blog #7 Chapter 9

In the episode “Wrinkle In the Plan” the contestants had to phase many challenges and decision making made them rethink about who would be more convenient for them to leave. The contestants in my opinion started realizing that the game would soon come to an end for someone. Problem solving started to show in the group when […]

Survivor Episode 7 Chapter 9

This episode starts out as all do with a brief recap of the previous episode. It then goes straight into the show and how Missy and Bailor put Keiths name down on the vote sheet. Keith was upset and felt that the communication was lacked between the three of them. In chapter nine we have […]

The Tossing and Turning of the people

The people in survivor this episode needed to get their business together. This episode of Survivor there was a lot of turmoil and individuals trying to form what their next plan was as well as individuals continuously trying to remain the alpha leader. They showed several dynamics of group leadership such as the types of

The Million Dollar Decision ~ Episode 7

In this episode of Survivor, the contestants have lasted 16 days in the competition. With the two tribes officially merged together, I could sense that the rising tension between Jeremy and Josh really come to fruition. It was also apparent that Julie was slowly losing her mind, which ultimately led her to the “Million Dollar Decision” to leave the show,… Read more →

Structured and Creative Problem Solving in Groups

This week on Survivor there was definitely conflict. When it comes to decision making, they try to have structure. For example, when it comes to voting, they try to decide before tribal council who will leave rather than just decide on the spot and not discuss it with other members of the tribe. I thought the biggest form of conflict… Read more →

Million Dollar Decision.

The episode starts off with day sixteen. This episode deals with loyalty. I think it’s been very hard for the members to constantly switch teams because they never know who to trust and it is mentally straining. This episode deals with verbal and non verbal commmunication. For example, when Keith gets voted off, he tries […]

super survivalry

I related this episode to the decision making model. I feel like most of the played are rational decision makers when it comes to this game. They carefully look at the issues and apply them to the situation  appropriately. Although in the alliances there was some dependent decision making. For example, when Jaquelyn decided to […]

Decisions, decisions

On survivor this week many decisions were made, and re-thought.  At the end of the previous episode it seemed like Josh might be able to pull off his plan to get Jeremy voted off, but like I assumed there was just enough time to sway some important opinions.  This episode emphasizes the importance of decision making. […]