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A Day Without Technology

Our class assignment from last week was to attempt to spend a day without the use of technology. For me, this included Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Pinterest. Unfortunately, because of my job as a nanny and Communication Chair position in a campus organization, I was unable to turn off my phone a computer completely for … Continue reading A Day Without Technology

Radial Ulnar Fracture Dislocation/ Galeazzi Fracture (The “S” Arm)

Alex Bultman, Alyson DelPoso, and Natalie Titcomb Caused by a fall onto an outstretched arm with a flexed elbow Ensure the patient has full range of motion in the shoulder Elbow, wrist, and hand exercises are only begun after a physician prescription To test for motor function, ask the patient to make the ‘OK’ sign … Continue reading Radial Ulnar Fracture Dislocation/ Galeazzi Fracture (The “S” Arm)

Folic Acid

Who? pregnancy, women of child bearing potential, and chronic anemia in renal patients What? Vitamin Supplement Pharmacokinetics- absorbed in GI tract, metabolized to dihydrofolate reductase by the liver, excreted in the urine, absorption is reduced when combined with antacids, sulfonamides, and cholestyramine It works by promoting protein synthesis and blood cell production and is  involved in producing … Continue reading Folic Acid

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