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Project 3

  In this post I will be looking at genre and its purpose in the discourse community of our english 107 class.  When writing it is important to establish who your audience is and to figure out what exactly you are trying to accomplish with your writing, “First, determine what action you are trying to … Continue reading Project 3

Final Draft

I flew through our house at incredible speed, grasping on to every pivot point I could to gain traction and speed in order to get to the kitchen table faster. There my mother cooked our favorite banana pancakes. Wes, my brother, and I especially liked banana pancakes because it meant there was both good food … Continue reading Final Draft

Project 1

I flew through our house at incredible speed, grasping on to every pivot point I could to gain traction and speed in order to get to the kitchen table faster. There my mother cooked our favorite banana pancakes. Wes, my brother, and I especially liked banana pancakes because it meant there was both good food … Continue reading Project 1

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!