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Hello for the last time. (Final Post)

Hello for the last time. I started this semester with an air of certainty that was unwarranted.  As a person who spends an extreme amount of time within arm reach of an electronic that connects to the internet i would say i would double that undeserving confidence.  I mostly taught myself how to access and traverse […]

Real and Digital Citizen

So after reading and watching the video, the major point that i picked up was a more connected communication with everyone. The article had a focus of classes but the video was focused on communication as a whole.  Social media is a strong tool but when teaching a new generation about a tool that about […]


So for the final week of engagement i focused more on tuition in California, mostly research and the effects. Sadly all i found was articles that increased tuition and my efforts from last week were simply ignored, a brand new twitter messaging and tweeting feels like i am not speaking to anyone.  Using the Tagboard […]

Insight and Expression 2015-11-03 22:30:50

Since i have been on twitter i have been looking for more information on higher education.  the problem with only looking for textbook information was the information and especially the conversation seemed pretty stale.  This week i began to lurk more in a broad terms about higher education and the cost of it and while […]

The Lurk and Recon

So for this section of the challenge we are told to just lurk around and observe the situations of the topic we chose on 2 different social media sights. I spend a ludicrous amount of time online and since i have been a presence on the internet i have lurked on sites that interested me. For […]

The Social Search (part 3)

So primarily looked at twitter and facebook for more information on who or what I could learn about textbook and prices. After a fairly quick search but a ton of pages I found a few organization that are working toward a better system for students and higher edu. Faculty forward looks at the cost of […]

The Search Begins

So I have chosen to research the cost of higher education and more focused on textbooks/custom textbook and why they seem to go up every year. So for the beginning I looked at the universal search engines and basic tools that any person with an internet connection can do. After looking at google, yahoo, and […]

The First Trial

So I looked myself up on google and I found very little my personal information. My name is pretty common so I wasn’t expecting to find myself.  I go by my middle name for most of my life so the only information of my first name is of a professional baseball players.  I stay online […]

Hello world!

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