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Group Motivation

One of the group motivators I saw in this weeks episode was when Reed gave up his winning award to Missy, who hasn’t won an award yet. I believe he did this to satisfy her need of real food, which is one of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.  He also used this as a way to […]

Group leadership

True group leadership was shown in the award challenge. Natalie and Jeremy and their team won the challenge, but when it can to get the their award Natalie and Jeremy spoke up and gave their award to John and Jaclyn. They didn’t have to do that but they did and that shows great group leadership […]

Power of Authority

The team was split into two when it came to the award challenge. Again it was Jeremy’s team vs. Josh’s team. In the end josh’s team lost and was sent back with nothing. While Jeremy’s team won a taco bar with beer and ice cold drinks. The main problem- solving reality in this game was […]

A Million Dollar Walk

In this weeks episode the two teams finally merge into one team and it is every man for themselves. Which means no one is safe! Old alliances face the new alliances which question where people stand within the tribe. Some of the nonverbal communication I saw this week was mostly with the team members eyes. […]

Listening within the Tribes

In the reward challenge Hunahpu wins again with a big reward with actual food; such as skewers with real meat or chicken and veggies to eat. Hunahpu won the Immunity challenge because they listened to each other which ended up getting them the win. They supported each other the whole way through the immunity challenge […]

Episode 4

Tonights episode had quite a turn! Tonight they decided to change up the teams the blue team had all singles except for one couple and the yellow team is all couples and one single. In class today we talked about diversity and how important it was to have diversity in groups, this episode truly explained […]

Blue Team lost due to Drew

In this weeks episode Yellow team finally won their first challenge was safe from going to tribal council. They actually worked together and cheered each other on and with out John in their tribe seems to have less drama and fights within their tribe. So taking out John really did help them out in the […]

Nicole First Post

For this weeks Survivor show I saw a few interesting things on group membership. The yellow team continues to lose. Jeremy’s wife Val lied to her group which ended up sending her home. The team is still struggling to figure out their group which is causing them to fail. No one is supporting anyone nor […]