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blog post 9

During the last class session we discussed the Stem related articles in groups it was interesting to see what everyone’s opinion was about women pursuing the STEM field. Many of the questions we answered as a group are not really thought about like some women need to hide that there intelligent in order to keep […]

blog post 8

In last weeks class Julian talked about the variety of clubs offered at ci,I thought It was good way to start class.The presentation got my attention ,and also got me thinking about maybe joining a club in the future. For the rest of the class we focused on gender inequality and  eventually we got into groups and […]

blog post 7

Thinking about the last couple class seasons i recall the star activity which focused on the GLBT community, in this activity I was a red star. This activity was incredibly powerful  I realized that the GLBT members of society suffer not only from the community,but within families as well that may not understand that they […]

Blog post numero 6

Last week Julian made me realize i was neglecting my writing by not creating an outline before writing an essay. Even i was thought how to create an outline i find myself skipping it because i feel its less work ,but in the end i realize i take longer writing a paper and my grade […]

Blog Post #5

In  last week’s class Julian went over common mistakes made when writing APA and MLA formats and how sometimes little mistakes can really affect the overall of our papers. I think this was very refreshing because even though we are college students i feel that i tend to forget the difference sometimes because we don’t […]

Blog post 4

In last week’s class we started with an activity  that Julian provided us with questions that really made us use our critical thinking skills. The questions we received were questions that i  have never really thought about and really made me think “what if” any of these really did happen how would i come about […]

Blog post 3

Last weeks class started off with julian engaging us in a interesting activity which was a letter to our future self. I found it kinda odd at first because i have never really wrote anything down to myself but, i found that it was a reminder to myself of why i am here and what […]

Blog post #2

Last week’s class very interesting first I learned from Julian  some helpful ways to improve my note taking skills and at the same time use those same tips to be a better writer.  I also found lecture to be very interesting I could not believe how inequality is so present everywhere today even though it’s […]

Blog post #1

In our previous class on september 12, i felt  was a pleasant way to start the semester it kinda broke the ice between me and other students in the course.It was interesting not only learning about our classmates but being a able to  connect with each other on a real life level. Knowing that we have gone […]