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University 150 2015-08-12 14:10:22

Section 03 meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 – 11:50 AM in Bell Tower 2372. We’ll explore different aspects of transitioning to university life and developing critical thinking. In our first unit we’ll discuss useful tools at Channel Islands that can help make your studying and learning more efficient. Then we’ll delve into the nature of science, experimentation, and analytical … Continue reading

University 150 2015-08-12 14:07:35

Section 01 meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 – 9:50 AM in Del Norte 1555. We’ll explore different aspects of transitioning to university life and developing critical thinking. In our first unit we’ll discuss useful tools at Channel Islands that can help make your studying and learning more efficient. Then we’ll delve into the nature of science, experimentation, … Continue reading

Course structure

We’ll spend time this semester on three different aspects of transitioning to university life and critical thinking. In our first unit we’ll discuss useful available tools at Channel Islands, to help make your studying and learning more efficient. Then we’ll delve into the nature of science, experimentation, and analytical thought. Finally we’ll raise some ethical and … Continue reading Course structure

Welcome to University 150

These pages provide a streamlined overview of the course Critical Thinking in STEM Fields. More detailed  materials, including specific assignments and deadlines, are available on CI-learn. UNIV150 is part of  Channel Island’s STEM Collaboratives. Students enrolled in UNIV150.01 are also enrolled in ENGL 105.01, and CHEM 121.03.  Students enrolled in UNIV150.03 are also enrolled in